Everyone wants to make a financial leap forward. Because when you don’t have to worry about credit cards or budgeting, the problems vanish, right? Wrong. When you face complex money decisions, you need a guide.
Whether you’re starting your career, on the glide path to retirement, or already retired, knowing how to chart a secure future can feel like a daunting task. From Millennials funding Roth IRAs or 401(k) plans, to Boomers considering buyouts, Social Security and pensions…relax, we’ve got you covered.
Divorced. Widowed. Separated. Single. You don’t define yourself by your marital status – and neither do we. But we can help solo decision-makers choose the best options for their retirement savings and investment portfolios. From now on, you don’t have to go it alone. Wagener-Lee’s got your back… today and always.
Corporate executives face countless challenges daily, but mastering the complexities of your benefit plans shouldn’t be one of them. That’s our job. Our coordinated approach covers key factors like asset diversification, risk management and taxes. We focus on your goals so you can focus on your career.
Congratulations. You’ve built your business. Your life’s work is finally paying off. Now what? We focus on helping owners like you grow, transition and protect your wealth. Small businesses need big-picture planning for everything from taxes and retirement to succession planning. With Wagener-Lee, you’re in good company.
From Wall Street whales like Apple and Walmart, to fixed-income investments that provide safe havens from stock market volatility, your investment portfolio should be as individual as you are. We make your money work for you while balancing your desire for growth with the ability to sleep at night.
Nobody wants to talk about dying, but you need to have a plan in place to make your wishes known about the distribution of your wealth. Do you want to leave money to children, grandchildren, friends or a favorite charity?
Are you over-insured or under-insured? Should you buy permanent or term life? What about disability and long-term care insurance? Our team includes licensed insurance professionals who can match your needs with the right coverage. Because the best way to cope with unexpected events is to prepare for them.
December market review December added a question mark to the end of an otherwise strong year of growth for the equity markets. As inflation numbers co
Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive, genetic disease that makes it hard to breathe. If you’re living with cystic fibrosis, your lungs are a target for in
Richard Wagener, managing partner at Wagener Lee, has been a cornerstone of the financial planning industry since 1981 – having seen the highs and low
Sustainable investing describes investment strategies that incorporate environmental, social or governance considerations into investment decisions. Y